Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Prussian command figures

All of these command figures, with the exception of Blücher, were painted fairly recently. I enjoyed doing the two line commanders in particular (majors, I think they would be?). I'm not completely sure if the white jacket and plume on the general is correct, but I like how it looks regardless. I desperately need to add some more reference books to my collection for Napoleonic uniforms in general, and the Prussians in particular. Quick web searches are ok, but I'm never entirely sure if I'm painting certain details correctly or not.

The figures are all 20mm scale from Newline Designs. I still have some more Prussian generals and line commanders to add, but on the painting table at the moment are some French line chasseurs. Painting command figures is a nice way to take a break in between units. I'm planning to do some French generals next, once the chasseurs are done.

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