Apologies for some of the photos throughout this battle report being a bit blurry or badly illuminated. I hope to have more time and a better set-up next time for taking pictures.
So, on to the next (and final) part of the battle...
French light infantry drive off and destroy most of the jagers in front of the woods |
Turn 11 for the French sees them play a strong 'Fire and Hold' card. On the left, the light infantry sweep the opposing jagers away from the edge of the woods, destroying one unit and driving the other back to the table edge. In the centre, the Prussian infantry suffer further losses with two of their units now reduced to a single stand.
Heavy losses in the centre leave two Prussian units with a solitary stand remaining |
The Prussians respond on the opposite side of the battlefield, charging downhill with a full strength line infantry unit, which smashes into the French line and destroys a unit. The French leader escapes and takes cover in the unit behind.
Things are going well on the Prussian left as the line infantry charge downhill to wipe out an enemy unit |
At the same time, reserves arrive in the centre to assist with the Prussian infantry holding out against the French chasseurs. The French cavalry decide to retire and reform, but the manoeuvre goes horribly wrong and the unit is reduced to a single stand.
Reinforcements arrive to help the Prussian reserve currently held in square |
The chasseurs retire and reform, but pay a heavy price for doing so |
The Prussians also take the opportunity to withdraw their two single-stand infantry units further back towards safety.
French victory banners: 3
Prussian victory banners: 3
In the ensuing turns the Prussians, sensing that victory might now be theirs for the taking, press home their advantage on their left flank. A unit of hussars charges across the hilltop and into the French lancers, which is still struggling uphill against the landwehr.
Hussars join in the fight on the hills |
The unfortunate lancers are pinned in place and reduced to a single stand, while further down the hill the leading Prussian line infantry unit extends its battle honours by charging into the last remaining French line infantry unit in this section. The fight is short and bloody, and the French infantry are no more.
The Prussian line infantry continues the fight against another unit of French |
Things aren't looking good for the French lancers... |
The French left is now all but destroyed |
At this point, most of the French command cards are still for operations on the right flank, but with that flank now almost completely destroyed, their options are limited. A combined arms attack in the centre leaves a Prussian reserve infantry unit badly mauled, but it stubbornly holds on and refuses to die.
The French perform a combined arms counter-attack against the Prussian reserve infantry in the centre... |
...which stubbornly holds out with one stand |
The centre of the battlefield is now thinning out a bit and the Prussian mounted landwehr seize the opportunity to enter the fray. They bear down on the French infantry before them, while at the same time the nearby Prussian reserve infantry that was in square now moves over to join the attack. The outnumbered French are destroyed, and the Prussians are now only one banner away from total victory.
French victory banners: 3
Prussian victory banners: 5
Mounted landwehr entry the fray, which spells doom for these French infantry |
The French try to make some evasive manoeuvres and withdraw both of their depleted cavalry units.
The lancers desperately seek the safety of their own lines |
In the centre, the two French foot artillery units valiantly try to push back against the strong Prussian line, but without much success.
French foot artillery fights on in the centre, but without much support |
With victory now all but assured, the Prussians play a fitting last command card of the game...
The last card of the game! |
It's time for the big cavalry pile in! On their left, the hussars charge into the retreating lancers, while in the centre the mounted landwehr, their blood up, charge the French guns. On the right, the Prussian horse artillery finally gets moving while the dragoons brave the difficult terrain in order to attack the French light infantry in the woods.
The French lancers make their last stand |
Prussian landwehr cavalry charge the French guns |
The Prussian right flank finally gets moving - better late than never! |
The inevitable occurs and the French lancers are destroyed. The French foot artillery, and the light infantry in the woods, both decide they've had enough and begin what will be the whole retreat of the French army.
Victory for the Prussians!
French victory banners: 3
Prussian victory banners: 6
The fighting is done. The Prussians survey the battlefield from a hill on their left flank |
The French begin their retreat |
Prussian dragoons move through the trees, pursuing the retreating French light infantry |
Here's a final look at the battlefield at the end of the day.
Battle's end. The Prussians claim the field while the French hitch up their cannons and withdraw |
I'll write up a summary of my thoughts in the next post, but suffice to say it was a very enjoyable game.
Hope you enjoyed the action too!